Click on the logo to see the detailed classification by control |
Absolute |
WRE | Cat.1-2-3-4 |
Section 1 - Thursday 8 th July 2021 | ||||
RS | Km | Classification | ||
RS 1 - Klášter | 33,08 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS 2 - Sprint letiště Hoškovice | 1,00 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
partial unofficial classification of 1st section | Absolute | WRE | Cat. | |
Section 2 - Friday 9 th July 2021 | ||||
RS 3 - Vítkov | 41,54 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS 4 - Poustka | 27,92 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS 5 - Supí | 9,65 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
partial unofficial classification after RS 5 | Absolute | WRE | Cat. | |
RS 6 - Ještěd | 17,09 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS 7 - Žízníkov | 3.67 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS 8 - Sosnová (2 okruhy) | 2,18 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS 9 - Pekelná | 17,91 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS10 - Valdov | 6,84 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS11 - Hamrštejn | 8,86 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
partial unofficial classification of 2nd Section | Absolute | WRE | Cat. | |
Section 3 - Saturday 10 th July 2021 | ||||
RS12 - Smržovka | 14,18 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS13 - Zlatá | 28,50 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS14 - Smerink | 32,69 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
partial unofficial classification after RS 14 | Absolute | WRE | Cat. | |
RS15 - Chloudov | 7,27 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS16 - Bzí | 8,50 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS17 - Radostín | 15,50 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
partial unofficial classification of 3rd Section | Absolute | WRE | Cat. | |
Section 4 - Sunday 11 th July 2021 | ||||
RS18 - Rašovka | 10,59 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS19 - Frýdštejn | 17,08 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS20 - Klokočí | 19,75 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS21 - Vyskeř | 44,64 km | Absolute | WRE | Cat. |
RS22 - Staroměstská | 5,05 km | |||
Official final classification | Absolute | WRE | Cat. | |